Since the plot is pretty straightforward, I will not mention too much except that it’s no secret this is a new Predator movie set in 1719 America centering on a Comanche girl.
As a connoisseur of action badassery, this one has my big seal of approval. My initial worry that this might be a cheap exploit of a long established franchise is highly unfounded. Although nothing groundbreaking or surprising in the overall plot, but the setting and the story of the Comanche girl makes it fresh, and it feels like someone in Hollywood finally realised that they have been writing way better Predator stories in comic books for decades and adapted one of those stories. Prey isn’t an adapted property, but it sure reminds me of those comic books and that’s a good thing. The action, the tension, the body count and the gore, it delivered on every one of them. The original Predator was more horror than action, and Prey understands that’s what make it special, and adheres to the formula perfectly. The finale doesn’t feel as epic as Dutch’s showdown with the ugly mofo, but it need not be. Prey’s ending is absolutely satisfying in its own way, and is more fitting for its clever heroine. I will watch this again. Anytime.
Originally published on my Facebook page, here.